Prime Video recently announced the premiere of Gloves Off: David Benavidez vs David Morrell, the fifth installment in its captivating docuseries. The two-part series, which premiered on Saturday, January 18, delves deep into the motivations of the fighters ahead of their highly anticipated showdown. On February 1, at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, the undefeated stars will face off in a 12-round light heavyweight championship bout during a major PBC Pay-Per-View event.
David "El Monstro" Benavidez, a former two-time Super Middleweight champion, enters the ring with an impressive record of 29-0, 24 KOs. On the other hand, David Morrell Jr. has an undefeated record of 11-0, 9 KOs. The fight will be for Benavidez's Interim WBC Light Heavyweight Title and Morrell’s WBA Light Heavyweight Title.
Narrated by Barry Pepper, Gloves Off provides an in-depth look into the lives of both fighters, offering a behind-the-scenes glimpse at their training camps, families, and the stories that drive them. This series sets the stage for what promises to be an electrifying 175-pound clash.