There has never been a lightheavy fight with more punches thrown and landed in history. Over 2500 punches thrown and 900 punches landed. Fonfara defeated Cleverly by 12RD UD Scores: 115/113 116/112 116/112.
As round one started both fighters kept the distance short as they each scored with solid combinations. Round two the fight proved to be building up to a feel that there is going to be a big knockout as both fighters refused to step back and trade big punches. Nathan Cleverly was successfully landing the hooks & uppercuts as Andrzej Fonfara would counter with the right. The volume of punches & lack of head movement made the fight entertain for the fans in attendance. Nathan Cleverly would punch right threw the high guard of Andrzej Fonfara. Cleverly started showing boating in the 5th with a strong round and landing well. However Fonfara finished the round strong landing some solid right hands. In the seven round both fighters had reach 1400 punches thrown and were on track to break the all time record of punches thrown & landed. In the championship rounds Cleverly showed a lot of heart and he stood his ground taking a lot of punches and fighting back. His nose was clearly broken as blood poured down his face. The ringside was called on to check his nose and allowed the fight to continue. The fight very close goes into the final round with much of the same action. Both fighters not backing down and throwing punches and punches. At the end of the fight both fighters raised their hands as the crowd were on their feet.