Shabranskyy defeats Gonzalez by MD Scores: (98/92 Shabranskyy) - 95/95 - (97/93 Shabranskyy). This was a very good scrap with both fighters coming out strong throw toe to toe power. There were moments in the fight where both fighters exchange big punches & landing well. Shabranskyy dominated most of the rounds with his boxing and countering.
Rosado defeated Clottey by UD Scores: 97/93 97/93 96/94. Clottey started out strong landing the left hook and countering punching. As the fight slide down the second half Rosado picked put the pacs and pressure landing clean shots. Clottey jumped on his bicycle trying to make things happen.
Gamboa defeats Williams by UD 10R Scores: 96/94 98/92 98/92. Williams had his moments and was not afraid to stay in the pocket and trade with Gamboa. However threat the fight Gamboa’s footwork and counter punches was to much for Williams.
Martinez controlled round one. After the first round Jorge Melendez did not look good. Heading into RD2 it was clear that
Melendez was beaten and not fighting well. The ref jumped in to stop the fight.